
Keeping Your Cat Comfortable In Summer

Summer is just around the corner! At this time of year, people owned by kitties will need to be mindful of the heat and take necessary steps to keep their beloved feline pals safe and comfortable. Read on as a local Greenbrae, CA vet offers tips on how to protect Fluffy from the risks of heat stroke.

What Are The Signs That Fluffy Is Overheating?

Kitties are especially prone to becoming overheated. Fluffy’s capacity to regulate her body temperature is restricted. Not only is she wearing a fur coat, but her only way of releasing heat is through her paw pads. It’s important to know the warning signs.

Panting is often the initial thing people notice. Fluffy usually does not pant. She doesn’t really drool, either, so This is another indication that something is not right.

Restlessness is another one. When Fluffy gets too hot, she might pace back and forth, or  just seem restless or agitated. Difficulty breathing is a red flag as well. When cats get too hot, they may have trouble breathing because of respiratory distress. Your kitty’s breaths may sound shallow, gasping, or otherwise abnormal.

Vomiting is also a concern. Hairballs are, unfortunately, purr for the course, but When vomiting or diarrhea occur alongside other symptoms, it could be a sign of heat stress. Uncommon vocalizations are another cause for concern. Although some cats are definitely more talkative than others, most have a standard voice or meow pattern. When cats are feeling hot or distressed, they may vocalize their discomfort by meowing urgently and in a distressed manner. Disorientation can also be a sign. Fluffy might display signs of confusion, appearing disoriented and distressed, and perhaps tripping or losing balance while walking.

Next on the list is lethargy. Our feline pals definitely have a knack for embracing a laid-back lifestyle, spending most of their time in a state of relaxation. However, if your pet seems to lack energy, is unresponsive, or appears physically feeble, it could indicate that she’s not just resting.

Other red flags include a red tongue, gum discoloration, muscle tremors, seizures, sudden collapses, reduced urine production, and even coma.

contact your Greenbrae, CA vet ASAP if you notice any of these signs.

How Hot Is Too Hot For Kitties?

Usually, when the temperature goes above 80F, Fluffy will start to feel uncomfortably warm. Once the temperature rises above 90F, she’s going to be hot. Temps over 100 F are dangerously hot.

How can I help Fluffy stay cool when it’s hot outside?

Let’s be honest; our canine companions definitely have more choices in this situation. When Fido starts feeling warm, you have the options of taking him for a swim, letting him have fun in a kiddie pool, or allowing him to play in the refreshing spray from a hose are all great options. Clearly, none of these choices are suitable for cats. If you want to keep your kitty cool, you’ll have to explore some alternative options.

Here are a few choices:


First things first: keep Kitty hydrated!

It is very important to make sure that your cat always has clean water.. Having extra water bowls on hand is a smart move, especially if you have more than one kitty or if your home has multiple floors. When it’s hot outside, try adding an ice cube to your cat’s water bowl. In addition, you might want to think about providing your cat with the choice of drinking from a kitty fountain. Many of our feline pals prefer to drink running water!


Napping Spots


Make sure to provide Fluffy with a comfortable sleeping space (or even multiple options). This is actually cat care rule #5. (The first four are to offer Fluffy good food, clean water, and regular veterinary care; provide entertainment options; make sure she is fixed and microchipped; and keep her indoors.)


Cats have a remarkable talent for finding the most comfortable spots to curl up and rest. In fact, they are actually ninjas when it comes to getting comfortable. Let Fluffy move around freely, and make sure she can access rooms cooled by fans or air conditioners.


Our feline pals often enjoy relaxing on the cool kitchen or bathroom tiles in summer. You may even find your kitty in the tub! Tile floors stay cool, which means that they attract furballs on sweltering days.


You might want to think about getting your furry friend a hammock or raised bed. Because air can move under them, they stay quite a bit cooler than regular beds.


Kitty Beauty Sessions

Regular grooming can also be beneficial. Our adorable feline pals are usually very meticulous when it comes to grooming themselves. However, that doesn’t mean that Fluffy won’t benefit from a little assistance. Regular brushing is essential for maintaining your cat’s coat’s cleanliness and health. It also removes dead fur, which can make her coat feel hot and itchy.


Let Your Cat Enjoy Winter Kitty Sports

Does your cat like batting ice cubes around? This will not only give your feline buddy something fun to do, it will also help her stay cool. Cats rely on their cute little toe beans to help maintain their body temperature.

Provide Your Feline Friend with a Cooling Mat

One of the best ways to keep a kitty cool is just giving her something cool to sprawl out on. You can find plenty of kitty cooling mats in stores. Another idea is to keep a few towels in the freezer and then put them on Fluffy’s bed.

Give Your Pet Some Frosty Feline Treats

Who doesn’t like a cold snack in sweltering weather? Here are a few choices you can offer for your cherished pet:

  •   Refrigerated Canned Food
  •   Chilled Sodium-Free Broth
  •   Kitty Ice Cream (You can buy it, or look up a recipe and make your own. Just stick with safe ingredients.)
  •   Add a drizzle of tuna or salmon juice over crushed or shaved ice.
  •   Store lickable treats in the fridge or freezer

What Should I Do If I Think Fluffy Is Too Hot?


If you think that your cat is overheating, take immediate action. Making sure your pet gets the right medical care at the vet is very important, but you’ll need to help Fluffy cool down. Avoid submerging her in cold water, as this may potentially induce shock. You can wipe her fur down with a damp cloth, put a bag of frozen peas (wrapped in a thin cloth) between her legs, or hold her in front of a fan and delicately mist her with water. Call your vet as you are doing these things.


In conclusion, cats might have trouble coping with the high temperatures of summer. Ensuring kitties’ comfort and well-being isn’t hard, but it does entail taking a few necessary precautions. By implementing these measures, we can keep our cats cool, content, and purring with delight.


Book An Appointment With Your Greenbrae, CA Veterinarian

Are you looking for advice or help with taking care of or improving the health of your cat? Is your cat due for a check-up? Contact us immediately at our Greenbrae, CA pet clinic.

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